Love for Sale! Make an offer… $3.95 |
 Blank $2.95 |
 $2.25 |  Plead comtemporary insanity and sit down with a cup of tea. $4.50 |
 Play golf free while having your suit pressed. $2.95 |  There is only the meaning we give to our life. To give aas much meaning to one's life as possible seems right to me. You are a part of what gives meaning to my life. $2.95 |
 Dear valued customer, We Regret the recent incident onboard Flight 1198 from Laguardia to West Pal Beach when our senior flight attendant bitch slapped your mother. However, homeland security video confirms she was wearing entirely too much animal print and blue eye shadow. $3.95 |
 Blank $2.95 |
 Attention: Office Morale Policy. Due to the importance of the proper exchange and expression of feelings in the workplace, the management has complied the following coded list. It is expected that employees memorize these phrases. $3.99 |  Survival Tips: You can still have fun when you're lost. Making fire wood in 2 easy steps. Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. like getting warm and dry. Olso, Remember to bring an Axe when you get lost, and don't hit your foot. Repeat 3-400 times and you'll be all ser. then light a fire! $2.95 |
 $3.50 |  Blank. $3.50 |
 In my dream the angel shrugged & said, If we fail this time, it will be a failure of imagination & then she placed the world gently in the palm of my hand. $2.75 |  The verb "To Love" in Persian is "To Have A Friend" $2.95 |
 I could dance with you until the cows come home. On second thought I'd rather dance with the cos till you come home. $2.95 |  Sometimes you just need a shoulder to drink on. $3.95 |
 Welcome to the Psychiatric Hotline. Inside: If you are obsessive -compulsive, press 1 repeatedly… $3.99 |  Where the hell is my pickle fork? I can't have anything nice with you kids. $3.95 |
 I couldn't give a shit if I tried. $3.95 |
 I'm unfriending you. I have little or no interest in the color of your stool. $3.95 |  If I were any gassier, I'd be you. $3.95 |  To be honest, he's not really into grills. $3.95 |
 Lilin' la vida xanax. $3.95 |  Do I look like I'm interested in organizing a cookie exchange? Flavored vodka shots maybe, but cookies? … doubtful. $3.95 |  Blank Inside. $2.99 |
 I'm SO here for you! $2.99 |  Does this diet make my face look hungry? $2.99 |  We put the spring in each other's step. $2.99 |