Is there anything you won't do for a cold beer? $3.75 |  Will you ever act your age? $3.75 |  Let me be the first to wish you a Happy Birthday! $3.75 |
 You don't look any older. $3.75 |  Enjoy every last bit of your birthday! $3.75 |  Nothing is off limits today. $3.75 |
 Have a whirlwind of a Birthday! $3.75 |  Live dangerously on your birthday. $3.75 |  Happy Birthday to a woman who can do it all! $3.75 |
 It doesn't get any better than this! $3.75 |  That's one scary age. $3.75 |  Keep it clean on your birthday. $3.75 |
 You're how old? I'm blown away! $2.59 |  Here's to another year of excitement and adventure. Happy Birthday! $2.59 |  It's your birthday… Let's get this party started! $2.59 |
 This year may you avoid being traumatized by the word Ma'am. Happy birthday hot stuff. $2.95 |  I should come with a warning label. Look out! here comes another birthday. $2.50 |  Sure you've been called cheap and easy! But that's just a vicious lie made up by the scores of men you've fucked. Happy Birthday. $3.50 |
 For you! - mini card- $0.90 |  Outside: He ate all the magnets off the refrigerator. Inside: You're older, but you're as magnetic as ever. Happy Birthday! $4.50 |  Sweet Wishes. Have a wonderful birthday. $3.95 |
 As soon as the Viagra kicks in, it's game on. ... it's your birthday. Party Hard! $4.50 |  Happy birthday, Honey! $2.95 |  Happy Birthday. From me! $4.50 |
 Wishing you much love and adoration on your birthday. $4.50 |  Happy Birthday. Hope it's antastic-Fay. $4.50 |  Golly liquor is quicker. Birthdays are no time for sober reflections. $2.50 |
 Inside: You're how old! Happy Birthday $2.95 |  Wiser... Older... Smarter... and then there's you! Happy Birthday. $2.95 |  Some people call it a problem. I call it a hobby. Happy Birthday. $3.95 |
 Outside: Kiss my face. Get out of my hand. Talk to the ass. Nigel fails the "attitude" test. Inside: Merry Birthday! $4.50 |  Life begins at 40, but so does arthritis and the habit of telling the same story three times to the same person. ... Happy Birthday. Let the fun begin! $4.50 |  Outside: Homeland Security "Fighting Terrorism Since 1492" Inside: Happy Birthday Kimo Sabe. $4.50 |
 Monica, Dear, that was a precious little story. Now, be a sweetheart and fix Mommy another martini. Happy Birthday. $3.95 |  Trust me, it's the botox, I don't really enjoy this. . .Trust me when I say have a Happy Birthday. $4.50 |  It's your BIRTHDAY! Let's get fish faced! $3.25 |
 It's no longer a theory. It's proven. You're old. Happy Birthday. $2.95 |  It's my fault - I stopped worrying for a few minutes. Hope your birthday is a truck load of fun! $4.50 |  So, grass on the field yet? - "Asshole." It's your birthday. Have a field day! $4.50 |
 Diaphragms are a pain in the butt. - Maybe you're putting it in the wrong place. .... Getting older is a pain in the butt. Happy Birthday. $4.50 |  Outside: I said HOLD my CALLS. Inside: Have a ball! It's your birthday. $4.50 |  If you asked me what I came into this world to do, I will tell you: I came to live out loud. Happy Birthday. $2.95 |
 Wishing you an extra-long celebration.... Happy Birthday! $2.95 |  Britney Spears Birthday Card: Have a crazy-ass, shavin'-yer-head, ho-tastic birthday! $4.50 |  Outside: Much to their surprise, the Jihadists found the virgins awaiting them in heaven were not what they had expected. Inside: Hope you find paradise on your birthday $4.50 |
 It's only a birthday, don't put up a big stink! $3.50 |  … than rubbing joints? $3.50 |  Oh shit! Another year older! $3.50 |
 … she was drunk! $3.50 |  Have a purrrrfect birthday! $3.50 |  Happy Birthday to one of the greatest kids in the universe! $3.75 |
 Nothing like a party to bring out the best in you. $3.75 |