Happy birthday! Here's to you and your health… Cheers… By the way, you're older than shit. $3.50 |  Having another birthday certainty hasn't slowed you down! $3.75 |  Make a big wish! Happy Birthday! $3.75 |
 Older, but wiser. Happy Birthday! $3.75 |  Hope your birthday is full of good vibrations! $3.50 |  Sorry, Shirl, we've already got dinner plans - Tarzan's parents are coming over Me: wish happy birthday. $4.50 |
 I'm sexy license plate - "$100 for speeding and $250 for misleading the public" Have a fine time on your birthday! $4.50 |  The Dick Family Tree...Quit dicking around and celebrate. Happy Birthday. $4.50 |  Eyewitness to History. Lady Plumbottom's Birthday. Lord Codswallop & Baron Sweet Intreduce Male Stripping & Lace Jockstraps. ... Happy Birthday. $3.50 |
 The only thing that sustains one through life is the consciousness of the immense inferiority of everyone else. Happy Birthday to one superior human being from another! $2.50 |  Ultra-Cranky Old Bitch with extra estrogen. New formula slims and firms with super gravity reduction! Fountain of Youth! Happy Birthday from one bitch to another! $4.50 |  Someone should have warned Lisa's mother about the pitfalls of using a discount sperm bank. Happy Birthday. $3.95 |
 Happy Birthday. Have a play all you can, Party till you drop, Kind of birthday. $2.50 |  I finally got my shit together. Now I'm constipated. Happy Birthday. $3.95 |  This calls for unmitigated debauchery in celebration of your birthday $4.50 |
 Queen for a day. Bitch for life. Happy Birthday. $3.95 |  Does the carpet still match the drapes? Happy Birthday. $3.95 |  Excuse me - do you do boob lifts? ... Hope your birthday is uplifting! $4.50 |
 Birthdays can be a real bitch. Happy Birthday. $2.95 |  Outside: I don't suffer from insanity! Inside: I enjoy every minute of it! Have a wild and crazy birthday. $3.50 |  -mini card- $0.90 |
 Just Ignore it - It's one of those annoying pop-up ads. Just ignore it - it's just another birthday. $4.50 |  If I am ever on life support, I want to be unplugged, but not until I get down to a size 8. ... Get down and celebrate on your birthday! $4.50 |  The secret to a long, healthy, happy life is a good bowel movement. Happy Birthday. $3.95 |
 On your birthday, treat yourself like a Queen! God knows all your friends do. Happy Birthday. $3.99 |  Tied with hope and filled with love, a beautiful Birthday wish for you. $3.99 |  Outside: And if you'll kindly relax your sphincter, I'll be happy to write a prescription for that inflamed prostate. Inside: Happy Birthday. Enjoy and relax. $3.50 |
 Homosexuality: God's way of ensuring the truly gifted are never burdened with children. Birthdays: God's way of ensuring we don't stay hot forever. Happy birthday. $4.50 |  It takes a long time to become young! $2.95 |  Official Announcement: The government today announced that it is changing it's emblem from an Eagle to Condom... Happy Birthday. Did you want that gift wrapped? $4.50 |
 In times like these, may we suggest blaming everything on the Republicans.... You're another year older. Damn that White House! $4.50 |  Despite Eric's best efforts no-one guessed 'Bangkok' . Have a bang-up time on you Birthday. $4.50 |  You're just like your mother except your mother has morals. Happy Birthday $3.95 |
 This Chain Letter sent to you for a bit of Birthday Fun.! Just send a copy of this to twelve of your friends, then wrap up your husband, mail him to the woman at the top of the list, and add your name to the bottom of he list. When your time come up, You'll receive 12,385 MEN! $2.50 |  Cougar need some catnip? Happy Birthday $3.95 |  Another birthday? Just go with the flow! $3.50 |
 Sorry I missed your birthday. Hope it was a gas! $3.50 |  Pour the drinks. It's 5 o'clock somewhere! $3.75 |  It's your birthday. Rise and shine. $3.75 |
 Don't drink and dress on your birthday. $3.75 |  Congratulations on surviving another year! $3.75 |  OMG! Did I miss it? $3.75 |
 Don't work too hard on your birthday! $3.75 |  Grab some cake and have a happy birthday! $3.75 |  Happy birthday to a woman of many talents! $3.75 |
 You've still got a great ass. $3.75 |  Who doesn't love a little drama on their birthday? $3.75 |  You're still very good at being very bad! $3.75 |
 Now that's the way to eat vegetables! $3.75 |  Experience has it's advantages. $3.75 |  You're aging gracefully too. $3.75 |
 Still looking for your gift. $3.75 |  There's one in every crowd, and you're ours! $3.75 |  You're not over the hill yet. $3.75 |
 Happy birthday to someone who is highly evolved. $3.75 |  Another Birthday? ... You're still hot! $3.75 |  After awhile, you stop counting. $3.75 |
 Some things are older than you are. $3.75 |  You made it through another year! $3.75 |  As you get older, remember that true beauty comes from within. From within bottles, jars, compacts and tubes. $3.75 |
 Happy Birthday. $3.75 |  I spot a birthday! $3.95 |  On your birthdayÉ mice things happen! $3.95 |
 Hope your birthday is purrrr-fect. $3.95 |